Hi Members,
We are very pleased to welcome more new members to YHPC this month! A warm welcome to Ava and Eliza Petersen, Layla Welland, Laura Sveicere and Lily Dobson who all officially join us as members at our October rally. We have had more than 15 new members join us since the start of our new rally year, so there are lots of new faces about, so please be sure to welcome them all aboard and ensure that their start at YHPC is a warm and friendly one.
Out and About

Ashley Davies and Lucy Yob – Success at St Andrews showjumping day!
So nice to see our members getting out and about at local events recently, where we were well represented at St Andrews show jumping day, Hurstbridge dressage day and Kangaroo Ground dressage day.
November Rally- a change of date
Please note that there has been a change to the scheduled date of the November rally and it will now take place on Sunday 26th October.
The decision to move the rally forward was based on a number of reasons including a very low response to RSVPs for the Cup weekend rally, but the change will also allow us access to the cross country course for the last time before our horse trials.
If there are any members that are doing their first horse trials event at Yarrambat, please let us know so that we can provide as mush guidance and assistance as possible at our next 2 rallies.
Good Luck C Certificate candidates!
We wish our C Certificate candidates the very best of luck as they prepare to sit their final practical testing on Saturday 18th October. The group have worked very hard to prepare for this certificate and a very special thank you must go to Kylie Parker, who has done a brilliant job of managing our largest group ever and providing them with every opportunity to pass the test with flying colours!
Important C Certificate information!
Please remember to bring your full grooming kit and full first aid kit to your theory session this week for inspection.
Your theory/horsemanship session is conducted at the trotters yard area.
YHPC Horse Trials is approaching….
Is your entry in?
Genevieve and her team have had a tremendous response to this event and spaces are filling up very fast. If you haven’t got your entry in yet, please do so asap and if you are new to the club or unsure about whether or not to compete, come and chat to us on Sunday.
Can we help you?
As mentioned previously, we can use the November rally (taking place in October) to make the most of our amazing xc grounds for one last time, so if there is something you are not sure of or a jump you are not confident with, let us know before the November rally, so that we can help.
Can you help us?
The YHPC Horse Trials event is one of the largest pony club competitions in the state and we need ALL of our members and families to step up and help. Thank you to the many members who have already committed to helping at this event, it is much appreciated.
If you have not yet had an opportunity to sign up, or are unsure about how you can help, please see Cassie Bulmer at our October rally. The roster will once again be on display in the clubrooms.
Working Bees
Our xc grounds are looking amazing and Tony Brocksopp has been working very hard all year to ensure that they are presented in top condition, but now is the time for us all to pitch in and help. There is much to be done both inside and outside of our clubrooms.
If you have missed the flyer emailed to members already, we have 2 spring working bees scheduled before our horse trials competition. Please ensure that you can get to at least one of them!
- Sunday 26th October from 10.30am
- Sunday 9th November from 9.00am
RSVP to Tony Brocksopp on 0412 355 235
Please note that if you wish to be graded, you must complete a “Grading Request” form, before the rally commences. These forms can be found on the desk next to the sign in sheets on rally day.
For new members or existing members with new horses, PCAV require that a new rider/horse combination must attend 2 rallies, before they can be officially graded for pony club events.
Thank you very much for taking note of the comments regarding rally starting times in our last newsletter. Punctuality was much better at the September rally, with nearly all of our riders in the junior yard by 10.30am!
If you miss gear check, please remember to check in at the shed before presenting to your scheduled class.
Results – another reminder!
Have you officially posted your results online yet? Posting of results for the period December 2013 to June 2014 are now closed. You are welcome to list them on the website, but any results not posted within 90 days of the event, are not included in our end of year awards calculations.
Ring to Ride Groups
A reminder to all riders in the Black, White and Grey groups that you are required to advise your preferences to me by 5.00pm on Friday-please make the effort to send a text or email, even if you are not attending, as it makes planning a whole lot easier.
Phone 0425 759 565. Email: sineads5@bigpond.net.au
Happy riding!