Hi Members,
I am writing this report whilst filling in some time between events at the State Interschool Equestrian Championships at Werribee. It has been really great to see so many familiar faces here, with 12 YHPC members competing at this event. In addition to our PCAV events, Inter-school competitions provide another avenue for our riders to participate in, and this particular event, held in the July holidays each year, offers everything from novelties and handy mount, through to Grand Prix dressage and show jumping classes up to 1.20 metre. If you can brave the cold July weather, something to consider for the holidays next year?
July is the start of a new year for pony club and this month we are very pleased to welcome seven guest riders to our rally, so please be on the look out for new faces and be sure to make them feel at home! A very warm welcome also to our newest YHPC members including, Alysha James, Daniel and Coeli Hayhoe and Jess Grant’s brother and sisters, Clancy, Ashleigh and Holly Grant.
Out and About
We also had the pleasure of submitting a team entry into the Monash PC Show jumping competition recently. Britt Salthouse, Ashley

Monash Showjumping
Davies, Jasmine Gill and Ciara Hanlon all had a fun day competing, cheering each other on and working out the best top score course and came home with a team placing of 5th place!
Another reminder for riders to submit their result online and within 90 days of competing, in order to be included in the calculations for the end of year awards.
Important information for C Certificate candidates
For your theory/horsemanship session this rally, please bring your horse, saddle, bridle, tail bandage and float boots to the lesson.
If you have not yet completed your C Certificate and have not been placed in a C Cert group, please contact me ASAP. If you have been placed in a C Cert group, but are unable to attend, please let me know via text or email.
Membership Fees
Thank you to those members that have paid their new membership fees. Sally has been working very hard to ensure that we receive our new membership cards on time and has kindly offered to receive payments on Sunday between 9.30am and 10.30am.
Please remember that if you haven’t paid your fees, you cannot ride on Sunday, as you are not insured.
As we enter a new PC year, changes to the groups will be required over the next couple of months. This month we have added a new green group to cater for the increasing number of younger riders in our club. If you have any concerns with the group you are placed in, please come and chat to us.
To ensure that our riders receive the best group instruction possible, it is important that riders do not take it upon themselves to change groups, even if only for one session, without seeking prior permission from the DC or Assistant DC. Similarly, if you are leaving the rally early, please inform us, as this can also impact upon the group sizes and instruction in the last session.
Ring to Ride Groups
A reminder to all riders in the Black, White and Grey groups that you are required to advise your preferences to me by 5.00pm on Friday-please make the effort to send a text or email, even if you are not attending, as it makes planning a whole lot easier.
Phone 0425 759 565. Email: sineads5@bigpond.net.au
Happy riding!